Tag Archives | google docs

10 reasons to use Google Drive for online documents

I am between properties and have two months to spare without a home, so I’ve decided to live with my family up in Staffordshire. My usual location is London and I wanted to really test remote working and using Google for Work for creating documents online. Ordinarily for a traditional business, this type of move would pose […]

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Why should you move your business online

Online can be for some businesses a scary place full of insecurities and complex ways of workings. However these are both myths and if you can move both your files and communications online, you can really open up your business to new clients, colaborations with other businesses and substancially reduce your operating costs. Both small […]

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Going to “Gracelands” and working remotely

One man and his bike head off to Gracelands in Kensal Green London in search of some mobile working and shows just how easy it is to work away from your desk and have all your business with you using Google Apps for Business. Well in the UK we are having some splendid weather and […]

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