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Is your account secure? Frequently individual’s internet accounts are being hacked and the information stolen. By implementing 2-step verification on all your accounts means your personal data remains private. In this blog post I am sharing with you what 2-step verification is and how to easily set it up.   Online Accounts We use online […]

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Inbox by Google – A New Email Experience

I have been using Google’s new Inbox, an alternative to its traditional email program and quite like it! Its a mix of Gmail, calendar and google now and acts like a to-do list and may even make emailing more fun! Here are some highlights: Available for Apple and Android phones and tablets and using […]

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IT Hound review's Google's 2-step verification

How does Google’s 2-step verification protect your Gmail or Google Apps account?

These days it is commonplace to have the same password which is used to access more than one website and we are working more  in public places like coffee shops and airports. Both of these factors make it easy for your account to be hacked and your information to be stolen. That’s why Google have […]

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The benefits of Cloud computing

Carl Hughes, Director of IT Hound talks to the Rapid Leverage Forum about the benefits of Cloud computing.

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Review of the new Gmail App for iPhone and iPad

Gmail app for iPhone now available on your iOS device (iPhone and iPad) in the App store. So what’s great about it and how will it change your emailing experience on your mobile device? Android tablet and mobile users have had the gmail app since day one and for those of you who run your […]

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